Saturday, September 20, 2008

Pork Fest

The W---- family has been selling these carmel apples at the Eaton, Ohio Pork Fest for over 30 years. As part of the extended family-daughter married a W---- son -I have been working/helping the last few years. These are a few of the results of my placing 1500 sticks into apples. Everyone in the family has a job. Some dip, some prepare the carmel, some cleanup, some greet the customers, some hand over the carmel apple, some take the money. The family members come from several different parts of the country, a few from nearby locations and now grand children are returning from college studies to enjoy/and work with parents and grand parents. Tomorrow another -at least- 1500 sticks to be placed in apples.


Nestor Family said...

Wow! That looks like a lot of hard (but yummy!) work!

My Midwest said...

Ended up making and selling almost 3200. The record is 5500. Fewer folks showed up -only 100,000- in part due to fuel costs and local industry