Monday, August 19, 2013

Monday Morning Coffee: Return of the Ride About

Don't expect amazing photographs, just documentary moments from here and there in the Midwest.
Early Sunday morning packed up the cameras/lenses and put them in the car. For the first time in almost a year off the do a "ride about". Decided that a car trip to Southwest Ohio would be a reasonable first journey.
Traveling along secondary and county roads was a wonderful, quiet and low key way to experience the corn and bean countryside.
First stop was a revisit to an old friend - West Alexandria, Ohio. West Alexandria is a village in Preble County with a population of less than 1400.  After a bit walking, discovered the Adams building.
 At one time this was the home of F&AM lodge 352. Today it is mostly empty and unused.
Along the main street - Route 35 - found the Greene County Softwater along with the usual American flags.  This  "showing the flag" can be found through out the flyover region that is the Midwest.  

Interesting to discover the Greene County Softwater in Preble County.  Must be a reason, but I sure don't know it.
Visited several other locations and managed to return late afternoon.  Good to be back on the road again exploring that strange part of United States - the Midwest. 

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